Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

2K12 - Association!

I know several of NBA world, but I'm not totally don't understand!

I play with Boston Celtics, yeah, old guys. But i made several changes in the squad. Take a look

My Squad

Yeah!! My friend told me to invest some players, he told to me that i could trade Garnett and Pierce for someone who still young. And, i did that!

Garnett and Pierce still making lots of money, even they're old. Garnett 35, Pierce 33. Damn!

So, i decided to trade them with Howard, Stoudemire, and Gay. Yeah, some low skills player also included to succeed the trade.

All the new signings are great! I keep one old man, who is Allen at 35, and youngsters Rajon Rondo, who's 25. Gay & Howard always doing dunks and alley oop, Stoudemire break up the defense, while Rondo & Allen keep shooting long range.

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